Sponsor Sales

 Become a Sponsor Today!!

The board of directors of the Montgomery Estate Planning Council would like to introduce your institution to an opportunity to support the Montgomery Estate Planning Council through its Website Sponsorship Program and gain widespread exposure for your own business. Our council, through its affiliation with the National Association of Estate Planners and Council, hosts a website containing information important to those estate planning professionals in the Montgomery area. Our website, www.montgomeryepc.org contains member contact information, calendars for upcoming events, and links to useful resources and documents. 
To defray some of the costs of the website and resource access, our council offers annual sponsorships for businesses.  Businesses that currently have council members can sponsor the website for just $300 per year.  Sponsorships for businesses without current council members is $400 per year.  Sponsorships run for our fiscal year July 1 through June 30. 
As a result of your sponsorship, you institutional logo and website link will be prominently located on the "Home" and  “Patrons” page of the council website. As our members access the website for meeting information, professional contacts, benefit access, etc., they will see your "advertisement". They will also know that you, as a sponsor, would be a "preferred vender" for the goods or services you offer. To see for yourself, I encourage you to access our website at www.montgomeryepc.org. I urge you to visit our website to keep up with events on the calendar, local estate planning professionals that are members of our organization, and other developments as they are posted. 
As a benefit offered to each sponsor, a non-member sponsor is allowed to send a representative to one meeting per year without charge for their meal. This representative need not be a council member, nor are they required to participate in the estate planning community. This would be an excellent opportunity to “show off” our council benefits and activities to non-member executives of the sponsoring institution.
Check the online calendar at our website www.montgomeryepc.org for meeting dates, times, location and speaker information.
The Montgomery Estate Planning Council directors are committed to provide the membership with informative programs, professional resources and opportunities for the members to meet and share ideas with the other members in the estate planning community.
We ask that you consider becoming a MEPC website sponsor. Please contact our council administrator, Rita Brown, at  brown.rita75@gmail.com, or any one of our board members for more information.